Henrique Oliveira
Present Activities

Dr. Oliveira is currently associate professor at the Instituto Politécnico de Beja and researcher of the Multimedia Signal Processing Group of the Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT). .
Book Chapters:
Henrique Oliveira and Paulo Lobato Correia,
"Supervised Crack Detection and Classification in Images of Road Pavement Flexible Surfaces,"
Chapter in Recent Advances in Signal Processing, In-Tech, In-Tech, Austria, 2009. (LINK)
"Supervised Crack Detection and Classification in Images of Road Pavement Flexible Surfaces,"
Chapter in Recent Advances in Signal Processing, In-Tech, In-Tech, Austria, 2009. (LINK)
Papers in Journals:
Henrique Oliveira and Paulo Lobato Correia,
"Automatic Road Crack Detection and Characterization,"
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 155 - 168, March, 2013. (LINK)
"Automatic Road Crack Detection and Characterization,"
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 155 - 168, March, 2013. (LINK)
Papers in Conference Proceedings:
Henrique Oliveira and Paulo Lobato Correia,
"CrackIT – An image processing toolbox for crack detection and characterization,"
Proceedings of 21st IEEE International Conference on Image Processing - ICIP 2014, Paris, 2014. (LINK)
"CrackIT – An image processing toolbox for crack detection and characterization,"
Proceedings of 21st IEEE International Conference on Image Processing - ICIP 2014, Paris, 2014. (LINK)
Henrique Oliveira, Paulo Lobato Correia and José Caeiro,
"Accelerated Unsupervised Filtering for the Smoothing of Road Pavement Surface Imagery,"
22nd European Signal Processing Conference - EUSIPCO 2014, Lisbon, 2014. (LINK)
"Accelerated Unsupervised Filtering for the Smoothing of Road Pavement Surface Imagery,"
22nd European Signal Processing Conference - EUSIPCO 2014, Lisbon, 2014. (LINK)
Henrique Oliveira, José Caeiro and Paulo Lobato Correia,
"Improved Road Crack Detection Based on One-class Parzen Density Estimation and Entropy Reduction,"
Proceedings of 17th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing - ICIP 2010, Hong Kong, 2010. (LINK)
"Improved Road Crack Detection Based on One-class Parzen Density Estimation and Entropy Reduction,"
Proceedings of 17th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing - ICIP 2010, Hong Kong, 2010. (LINK)
Henrique Oliveira and Paulo Lobato Correia,
"Automatic Crack Detection on Road Imagery Using Anisotropic Diffusion and Region Linkage,"
18th European Signal Processing Conference - EUSIPCO 2010, Aalborg, 2010. (LINK)
"Automatic Crack Detection on Road Imagery Using Anisotropic Diffusion and Region Linkage,"
18th European Signal Processing Conference - EUSIPCO 2010, Aalborg, 2010. (LINK)
Henrique Oliveira and Paulo Lobato Correia,
"Automatic analysis of road pavement surface imagery,"
Proceedings of International Road Federation - World Meeting - IRF2010, Lisbon, 2010. (LINK)
"Automatic analysis of road pavement surface imagery,"
Proceedings of International Road Federation - World Meeting - IRF2010, Lisbon, 2010. (LINK)
Henrique Oliveira and Paulo Lobato Correia,
"Road Surface Cracks Detection Using Unsupervised Strategies,"
Proceedings of Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition - RecPad, Aveiro, Portugal, 2009. (LINK)
"Road Surface Cracks Detection Using Unsupervised Strategies,"
Proceedings of Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition - RecPad, Aveiro, Portugal, 2009. (LINK)
Henrique Oliveira and Paulo Lobato Correia,
"Automatic Road Crack Segmentation Using Entropy and Image Dynamic Thresholding,"
17th European Signal Processing Conference - EUSIPCO 2009, Glasgow, 2009. (LINK)
"Automatic Road Crack Segmentation Using Entropy and Image Dynamic Thresholding,"
17th European Signal Processing Conference - EUSIPCO 2009, Glasgow, 2009. (LINK)
Henrique Oliveira and Paulo Lobato Correia,
"Evaluation of Pre-processing in Road Pavement Image Analysis,"
Proceedings of Conference on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal, 2009. (LINK)
"Evaluation of Pre-processing in Road Pavement Image Analysis,"
Proceedings of Conference on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal, 2009. (LINK)
Crack Detection and Characterization in Flexible Road Pavements using Digital Image Processing,
Henrique Oliveira, PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, July 2013.
Henrique Oliveira, PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, July 2013.
Automatic Extraction of Roads from Aerial Images for use with Geographic Information Systems,
Henrique Oliveira, MSc in Geographic Information Systems, Instituto Superior Técnico - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, April, 2001.
Henrique Oliveira, MSc in Geographic Information Systems, Instituto Superior Técnico - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, April, 2001.
...to be updated, very soon...
Georeferenced Airport Obstruction Chart,
ESA (European Space Agency), 01-01-2009 until 31-10-2013.
ESA (European Space Agency), 01-01-2009 until 31-10-2013.