Luis Miguel Gomes Tavares
Present Activities

Miguel Tavares is currently assistant professor at the Instituto Politécnico de Beja, invited researcher of the Signal Processing Systems Group (SIPS) of the Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores (INESC-ID) and member of laboratory SEPSI.
Publications - International Journals
Miguel Tavares, José Gerald, João Goes, 2022, "Zoom discrete spectral correlation
function, with application to cyclostationary signal detection", Digital Signal Processing,
Volume 121, 2022 (
Gonçalo N. Tavares, Luis M. Tavares, Antónino Petrolino, "On the true Cramer-Rao lower bound for data-aided
carrier-phase-independent frequency offset and symbol timing estimation," IEEE Transactions on Communications,
vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 442-447, February 2010.
Gonçalo N. Tavares, Luis M. Tavares, Antónino Petrolino, "An Improved Feedforward Single Frequency Estimator,"
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 56, no. 5, pp. 2155-2160, May 2008.
Gonçalo N. Tavares, Luis M. Tavares, "On the Statistics of the Sum of Squared Complex Gaussian Random Variables,"
IEEE Transactions on Communication, vol. 55, no. 10, pp. 1857-1862, October 2007
Gonçalo N. Tavares, Luis M. Tavares, "Sequence Design for Data-Aided Estimation of Synchronization Parameters,"
IEEE Transactions on Communication, vol. 55, no. 4, pp. 670-677, April 2007.
Gonçalo N. Tavares, Luis M. Tavares, "The True Cramér-Rao Lower Bound for Data-Aided Carrier-Phase-Independent
Time Delay Estimation From Linearly Modulated Waveforms," IEEE Transactions on Communication, vol. 54, no. 1,
pp. 128-140, January 2006.
Gonçalo N. Tavares, Luis M. Tavares, Moisés S. Piedade, "On the Miller -Chang Lower Bound for NDA Carrier Phase
Estimation," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 52, no. 11, pp. 1867 - 1871, November 2004.
Gonçalo N. Tavares, Luis M. Tavares, Moisés S. Piedade, "Improved Cramér-Rao Lower Bounds for Phase and Frequency
Estimation with M-PSK Signal," IEEE Transactions on communications, January 2002.
Luis M. Tavares, Gonçalo N. Tavares, "Comments on "Performance of Asynchronous Band-Limited DS/SSMA Systems","
IEICE Transactions on Communications, Setembro de 1998.
Publications - International Conferences
Luís Costa, João Paulo Barros, Miguel Tavares, 2019, "Vulnerabilities in IoT Devices for Smart
Home Environment", In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security
and Privacy - Volume 1: ICISSP, ISBN 978-989-758-359-9, pages 615-622. DOI: 10.5220/0007583306150622
I. Brito, M. Tavares, E. Rodrigues. Using ICT to Support e-Learning in Higher Education. "International Conference on
Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2014)", pp 588-593. Barcelona, Espanha, 1-3 de Abril, 2014.
Henrique Oliveira, Luis M. Tavares, Luis Machado, "Uso de GPS na realização de Sistemas de Coordenadas Locais," Actas
da III Conferência Nacional de Cartografia e Geodesia, Aveiro-Portugal, Dezembro 2002.
Gonçalo N. Tavares, Luis M. Tavares, Moisés S. Piedade, "A New Feedforward NDA Symbol Timing Estimator with Improved
Performance," in ConfTele2001, Actas da III Conferência de Telecomunicações, Figueira da Foz-Portugal, April 2001.
Gonçalo N. Tavares, Luis M. Tavares, Moisés S. Piedade, "A New ML-Based Data-Aided Feedforward Symbol Synchronizer
for Burst-Mode Transmission," in Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems-ISCAS2000,
Geneve-Switzerland, May 2000.
Henrique Oliveira, Luis Miguel Tavares, Rui Caridade, Armando Marques, José Monteiro, "GIS and GPS Supporting the
Co-ordination of Fighting Means for Forest Fires," in Proceedings of the First International Workshop on
Telegeoprocessing-TeleGeo'99, pp. 176-179, Lyon-France, May 1999.
Gonçalo N. Tavares, Luis M. Tavares, Moisés S. Piedade, "Improved Feedforward Maximum Likehood Timing Estimation for
PSK Signalling," in Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems-ISCAS99, Orlando-USA, May 1999.
Gonçalo N. Tavares, Luis M. Tavares, Moisés S. Piedade, "Series Representation of the Statistics of Certain Carrier
Phase and Timing Estimators," in ConfTele99, Actas da II Conferência de Telecomunicações, Sesimbra-Portugal,
pp. 342-346, April, 1999.
M. Tavares, J. Gerald, M. Piedade, "A Spread Spectrum Communication System for Low Frequency Band with Application
for Transmission over the Power Lines", Proc. International Conference on Signal Processing Applications and
Technology - ICSPAT'96, vol. 1, pp. 532-536, October 1996.
M. S. Piedade, M. Tavares, G. Tavares, "A Digital Processing Lossy Line Simulator," Proc. IEEE International
Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS'92), pp. 1768-1771, San Diego, May 1992
Miguel Tavares, Wideband Spectrum sensing for Dynamic Spectrum Sharing, Tese de Doutoramento,
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Miguel Tavares, Sistema de Comunicação em Espalhamento de Espectro com Transmissão na Linha de Distribuição de
Energia, Tese de Mestrado, Instituto Superior Técnico, 1996.
Other Publications
Luis M. Tavares, Gonçalo N. Tavares, "Digital Potentiometer controls AGC circuit," in EDN Electronic Design Ideas,
August 2000.
Luis M. Tavares, José A. Gerald, Moisés S. Piedade, "Sistema de Comunicação com Espalhamento
Espectral Adequado à Rede de Distribuição de Energia," Anais da Engenharia e Tecnologia Electrotécnica, n. 4, pp. 13-16, Julho 1997.
General and Technical Coordinator of the Project "Reutil -3E - Reuse of Personal Computers", funded by the Project Financing
Facility for Research &ersand; Development Amb3E (Portuguese Association of Management of Electrical and Electronic Equipment).
Project referenced as European Good-Practices by the European ECOPOL consortium
Planning, coordination and development of the OFICINA VIRTUAL system, framed in the Portugal Technologic Plan, for the Ministry of
Culture/Arts Institute of Portugal.
Adaptive OFDM communication System for the power distribution System - Project POSC/EEA-CPS/59401/2004, funded by the
POCTI/FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology) Portugal.
VHF data transmission network for fleet management - ESPRIT 7515, "Distribution Management Systems" (DMS2000),
"WORKPACKAGE 4 - Global Positioning System"
Georeferenced Airport Obstruction Chart, ESA (European Space Agency) - GAOC